Wednesday, January 30, 2008

News from the Vet

Well, Pansy got good news and bad news from the vet. First, the good news: all the bloodwork came back normal. Hooray!

And the bad news? Well, it might be bad for her pride...

Who wants to see pictures of herself like that? ;)

Soon, we will post a video!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

First Day

Hello, world! This is Pansy's blog, so let's go over a little about Pansy.
Pansy first came into my life as a foster rescued from an overcrowded home. She and her brother, Moby were my first fosters. When Pansy arrived at my house, she was overweight. I didn't realize that she had stopped eating until she started throwing up. By that time, it was almost too late for sweet Pansy. Her kidneys had gone into failure.
Thank goodness for the angels at NC State Vet School! They put her on a feeding tube until everything started working again. Luckily, when they removed the tube, Pansy started eating. It was a wonderful day!
Pansy never really stopped eating, though! She is now morbidly obese. The vet said on Friday that if Pansy doesn't shed some pounds, she will not live more than another year. Right now, the vet couldn't do an abdominal exam because when she laid Pansy on her back, the fat in Pansy's neck pressed against her windpipe and she couldn't breathe.
So, I'm here to report on Pansy's first weekend on her new diet. She has come out of her room more, with less enticement. She hasn't ventured out of the cat room, though. Small steps, right? Please keep checking back as we make this girl as fabulous on the outside as she is on the inside!