Sunday, June 29, 2008


Pansy has been doing great. She lost another .3 pounds in the last two weeks. I'm afraid she's really tired of me not updating, and I beg all my readers to forgive me! So, tonight, she reminded me, not-so-subtly, to update:

After just a couple of minutes trying to figure out how to post herself, she gave up:

I felt bad, so here's your post!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I'm sorry it has been so long! I'm sure many of you hoped that I stopped blogging because Pansy was adopted, but it's not so. Really, I have just been very busy. Anyway, I will try very hard to do better.

So, in the time since we last reported, our fabulous girl has gotten down to...are you ready for this?...18.6 pounds! She's been doing great! She had some dental work done, and had several teeth pulled. This wet food that she's eating has done a lot of damage to her teeth. But, at her age, her weight is a bigger hazard than not having teeth. She doesn't really need to chew, anyway. :)

So, without further ado, here's a current picture of our pretty girl!