Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Another Vet Trip

Over the last week, Pansy decided to take her diet a little too seriously--I've had a very hard time getting her to eat anything! So, back to Dr. K and Adrienne we went! Turns out, Pansy has lost just over a half a pound in the last two weeks. And the real reason she stopped eating? She was lonely. See, I put Pansy into her room to eat so none of the other cats or dogs would get her food. She didn't like that so she stopped eating. So, from here on out, Pansy and I will eat together, and I moved her bed and her litter box downstairs. She's got to get used to having so many other animals around, but I think she'll like it.
And, as I promised, here is her video debut! We call it The Feather Wand.

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