Thursday, March 13, 2008


Vacations always seem to take longer than the actual amount of time spent out of town, don't they? Sorry for the long absence! Pansy's vet sent us this picture that was taken clear back in Feb! And I'll get another feather-wand video up soon! The last time we played feather-wand, Miss Pansy actually moved a couple of steps to chase it! Remember when she wouldn't even lift her shoulders to get it? Things are progressing nicely!

The house-sitters did a fabulous job, and Miss Pansy is doing as well as ever! I think she really missed her visit with the ladies at the Cat Hospital last week, though. She did not want to come home last night! And, her weight? She lost another .6 of a pound in the last 2 weeks! What a great rate of weight loss!


Anonymous said...

She's doing so well! While we were pet-sitting, she actually got down off the couch to play with Ethan and the feather wand! Yay!

cass said...

Pansy will be doing triathlons before you know it.a